Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3rd, Saturday, Easter Vigil

Isaiah 55: 1-11, Psalm 16: 5, 8-11, Romans 6: 3-11, Luke 24: 1-12

All of our readings today refer in some way to death, whether spiritual or physical, resurrection or rebirth, and an invitation to share an abundant and meaningful life through Christ Jesus. The Lenten season has extra special significance for me.

I was not born Catholic, nor was I raised in the Catholic faith. However, ten years ago I made the conscious decision to embark on the journey of a thousand miles by taking a single step. I became a candidate for RCIA, and expressed my desire to receive full fellowship and be accepted into the Catholic community. My decision was reached in part, due to the life and death of my father-in-law. We had a very close relationship, so we often had some very serious discussions. Many of those discussions involved my consideration of the Catholic faith. In his quiet, gentle manner, he told me that being Catholic is a way of life to be lived every day and not to be taken lightly. Little did anyone know that my father in law would be diagnosed with cancer in August and lose that battle in September of 1999.

During this time I asked him if he was afraid of death. His words were, “I have always known that there is a better place. So, no, I am not afraid. I believe.” He passed with the grace, dignity and faith that he lived his life. And so I knew that my decision to accept God’s invitation to allow my old self to die and become reborn in the newness of life was the right decision for me. I know that Hank watched as I was baptized. I know that he smiled as I received Holy Communion for the time. And because he loved me I heard him say, “This is my daughter in law, in whom I am well pleased.”

In whatever situation you may find yourself, Let go, and Let God. Rejoice! He is among the living, not the dead.

Sandi Stoesser, married to John for 21 years, mother, educator, singer.

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