Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18th, Thursday, Fourth Week of Lent

Exodus 32: 7-14, Psalm 106: 19-20, 21-22, 23, John 5: 31-47

This Gospel from John talks about being your own witness and having others be your witness. John is telling us that although John the Baptist and others spoke of Jesus the only witness or glory that was important to Jesus was the glory given to him by God the Father. As parents of young children we are hopeful that we have taught them well. We hope that through our example we do good works without any external validation and know we have shared what God has given us.

Through our daily example of how we lead our lives and also in our teachings, my wife and I try to teach our children to be open to God’s voice. Although we do not always hear or understand the wisdom in God’s voice, we should have faith in God and in his plan.

In the first reading from the Old Testament we hear of how God gave us rules through the hands of Moses. In the New Testament we learn to have faith in God and express his witness through our daily good works. In our family we have small children. We teach them to do good work and to be open to God’s word. We have moments of success where the children are able to think of others on a snowy day and help a neighbor clear a driveway. We have also seen the children think of others and contribute some of their monetary treasure during a Sunday collection. Hopefully these small moments can become habits that continue through their lives. These small moments give us hope.

We pray that we can be humble in the presence of these great gifts we have been given and pray that we can continue to do good work.

Lou Coco, husband of Julie, father of Teresa 6th grade, Rachel 3rd grade and Maria in Kindergarten. Parishioner for 10 years and director of the facilities department at West Suburban Medical Center.

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