Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31st, Wednesday of Holy Week

Isaiah 50: 4-9a, Psalm 69: 8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34, Matthew 26: 14-25

Tomorrow starts the Triduum! Thinking back on my grammar school days, Wednesday of Holy Week was a day of great expectation. It was the day my friends and I planned our participation in the three days to come. We planned to visit as many churches as we could on Holy Thursday. In those days we walked to each church so distance did limit us. Each church was more beautiful than the last. Good Friday was the reading of the Passion and veneration of the cross. Holy Saturday was rich in signs and symbols of the "passing over" of Jesus from darkness to new life. It was worth all the planning because it was indeed a spectacular time in our lives.

Today's readings from the Psalms speak of the people pouring out their woes, their suffering and pleas of "do not let me sink" (Psalm 69: 14), in the lament tradition, and yet they are unfailing in their trust knowing the Lord hears and never forsakes the needy. We all have suffering in our lives; how do we deal with it?

In Matthew's gospel we hear one of the best known gospel stories, the betrayal of Jesus. While at the table with his disciples, Jesus said that one of them would betray him. Judas replied, "Surely not I, Rabbi." and Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you." Judas had sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver. How many times have we played the Judas role in our lives? And reversing the scene, how many times have we been betrayed? Everyone knows how it feels.

Later Judas tried to give back the silver and undo his crime but sin cannot be undone or erased, it can only be forgiven. Forgiveness is not hard; we just have to ask for it! It is one of the greatest gifts our God has given us. Let us take time today to savor God's forgiving love in our own lives.

Dorothy McGurn, widow of Charlie, mother of seven, (one in heaven), grandmother of 11.

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