Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18th, Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Deuteronomy 30: 15-20, Psalm 1: 1-2, 3, 4 and 6, Luke 9: 22-25

Following yesterday’s symbolism of ashes, today our readings all point to a central theme of “choice.” In Deuteronomy, we hear that “set before us are life and prosperity, death and doom” – “the blessing and the curse” but we are challenged to “choose life.”

Psalms offers us “happy those who do not follow…the wicked. Rather the law of the Lord is their joy.” Here my thoughts simply focused on “love God” and “love others as you love yourself.” The reading continues with “a tree planted near (life-giving) water yields fruit and prospers.” Following that through, such fruit would provide life-giving nutrients and accordingly sustain life for more than just itself.

And in Luke we hear “If anyone wishes to come after me,” they must deny themselves, take up their cross and “follow me.”

As I reflect on today’s readings, I see a blueprint for not only our Lenten journey, but our life’s journey as well. What path do we choose? Can you and I put away some of our less than loving habits, tendencies and actions that at times prevent us from loving as we could? Do we realize just how much a feeling of prosperity we gain by loving and nurturing others? Can we set aside wicked tendencies and strive to be more Jesus-like and follow Him?

I think at times we all get hung up with just what exactly we “give up” and deny from ourselves during Lent rather than focusing our energy on the positive actions we could take. And when we choose to do something for others, we always receive far more than we give. By helping and loving others we become like that tree planted near life-giving waters. We give the abundance of our own fruit in the form of time, talent and treasure to sustain others. If we could make another smile, help someone less fortunate than ourselves and encourage another by seeing the good of life through actions we take, clearly you and I will have heeded the challenge and the choice to “follow Him.” For me, the choice seems so obvious. The challenge is to aspire to it daily.

Larry Fujara, husband, father of 3, Administrator

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Larry.