Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22nd, Monday, First Week of Lent

1 Peter 5: 1-4, Psalm 23: 1-3a, 4, 5, 6, Matthew 16: 13-19

In today’s readings, I’m more familiar with the last 2 readings than the first, but upon reflection let’s focus on 1 Peter 5:1-4. The imagery that comes to mind is one of a “cheerful giver”. He challenges us to “tend the flock of God in your midst…willingly…”eagerly”. We are reminded to be examples to the flock, not holier than thou! Are we not all sinners that can at times, go through the motions, sure we might be doing the right things, or saying the right phrases, but we fail to put our souls or compassion or empathy or care into gear!

Let’s call our desired state, the “Eager Shepherd”. Well this Eager Shepherd, just like the old days, has occupational hazards that they must always be on the lookout for.

In today’s hyper speed pace of life, a lot of external information, usually truncated in some fashion, seems to be inundating us. And keeping up with this can be overwhelming -- unless our moral compasses are properly calibrated, unless we are vigilant about protecting our attention spans. We must keep our focus on the Good Shepherd and on the “flock of God” so that we do not get calloused or desensitized to the human condition. Then and only then, can the cheerful giver or the eager Shepherd tend their flocks.

What’s interesting about the other two readings is that they provide the meaning for what an eager Shepherd is all about in the first place. Keep in mind, we are a resurrection people. If these passages don’t make you salivate for salvation…I don’t what will.

From reading #2: “Only goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come.”

From reading #3: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven”.

So, all you eager Shepherd’s, if you are planning for that big train ride to the promised land, keep fueling that faith furnace to keep that train moving…keep smiling and spread that good news to all your fellow travelers and keep that joy and remember…This Train Is Bound For Glory!

Your humble eager shepherd…

Tom Moore, Husband to Shawn, Father to Tommy, Cody, Megan, and Shannon, brother to all.

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