Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19th, Friday after Ash Wednesday

Isaiah 58: 1-9a, Psalm 51: 3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19, Matthew 9: 14-15

These are the types of readings that make me uncomfortable. Probably because I spend more time ‘thinking’ about how to be a better Christian than I spend ‘being’ one. I’m a busy guy and just when I think I’ve got enough on my plate, I hear these readings and they remind me to get up and get out – they remind me to do something for someone else. I’m not very good at doing these things on my own. I suspect, if left to my own, I’d spend a lot of time in my house or at my job and very little time reaching out beyond myself and trying to be an agent of change for those around me. Luckily, my wife is not like me and through her good example, I’ve learned to be a bit better at serving those around me. Kathleen, my wife, has taught me that in addition to the ‘big’ things (like donating time and money to those in need) that there are a thousand little ways to bring a light into the lives of those around us. She’s great at listening to others and hearing when there is a need (sometime an unspoken need) and acting on it. She’s a true friend to others. She volunteers her time and she works hard at being a role model for our children. Through her example, I’m reminded that I need to share my time with our church and our community. She’s also helped me understand the value of spending time with my kids both at home and as a coach for their sporting activities. She’s taught me that none of us is more ‘just’ than the other, but she’s shown me that by helping others in small ways that we can keep ourselves truly alive and healthy.

Not turning your back on others. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn and your wound shall quickly be healed.”

Fred Schafer is darn lucky to be married to Kathleen Schafer. Together we have three great kids: Mary, Theresa and Charlie.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Fred.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great reflection and such a beautiful compliment to your wife.