Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27th, Saturday, First Week of Lent

Deuteronomy 26: 16-19, Psalm 119: 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, Matthew 5: 43-48

Today’s first reading, from Deuteronomy, sounds harsh, as the Israelites are commanded to obey ordinances if they are to be God’s people. However, all relationships that work or are successful, come with some expectations from both parties. Friends expect other friends to treat them in a respectful manner. Spouses expect devotion from each other in good times and in bad. Co-workers expect others to bring in the bagels some of the time. It is in some of these relationships that another person brings out the best in us. I think our relationship with God is a similar two–way street. God loves us unconditionally. Knowing this encourages us to hold up our end of the bargain, by living in a Christian way.

Psalm 119 goes a little further into this topic. It’s like starting a new diet. You believe that just because you want to be on this diet and thus fit in those skinny jeans, that you’ll just do it. Surely it’s not that easy! Deep down I think we want to behave in God-like ways, but things like peer pressure, worldly goods, exceptional brownies, etc. complicate it quite a bit. The people who are strong enough to override those pressures are the ones who seem to be most content and happy. They have learned to “give it to God.“

Finally, the Gospel illustrates one of the most difficult ways to live by God’s commandments: Love thy neighbor. Right away I think of a few people whom I’d rather not spend any time with…. Sometimes it’s difficult to be as kind as we know we should. I can think of a time when I could have reached out to a person who looked like she didn’t know anyone else in the room, but then I didn’t. Or a time when I knew that my joke would be at someone else’s expense, but told it anyway. And then felt bad. Had I done what God wanted me to do, I probably would have felt better about it.

Having a relationship with God is challenging, but, for all the times I remember being strong enough to do His will and put forth the effort, it really did feel good.

Laura Carioti, married, mother of two, former south-sider.

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